Services Offered

Nonfiction book/ebook editing, rewrites, manuscript reviews & consultations

News articles & features

crisis communications: covid-19 content and messaging

Digital content

Newsletters, press releases, annual reports & marketing materials

Seminars, workshops & speaking engagements

writing coaching/consulting


I respect my clients and keep projects on track with high quality work and consistent communication. 

I can take your written work to professional levels, making it the best it can be. I provide nonfiction book proposal and manuscript critiques as well as one-on-one consulting, copy editing, proofreading, line editing, substantive (heavy) editing, rewriting, and developmental editing.

As a published author and university instructor, I'm familiar with the A-Z process for taking traditional and self-published books to market and can provide you with knowledgeable advice and direction.

I also accept content writing and editing assignments from individuals, selected news organizations, non-profit associations, businesses, individuals, medical centers, and academic and scientific institutions. Clients include WebMD, Aha Media Group, Curmudgeon Group, Talentfoot, Callisto Media Group, Book Launchers, MIT, The Trustees of Reservations, Pew Research Center, Northwestern University, Boston University, Weill Cornell Medicine, Greenleaf Book Group, and American Cancer Society, among others.